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#GetOnYourBike with Tigers and Aggregate Industries

Leicester Tigers players and club partner Aggregate Industries are encouraging teens to ‘get on their bike’ this 2018, as new research shows only 19% of Leicestershire secondary school pupils are getting their recommended level of daily exercise.*
As part of our Concrete Rugby programme encouraging health and well-being in young people, the two organisations will be visiting schools across the region to discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle, exercise and the benefits of spending time outdoors.
Tigers players Logovi'i Mulipola and Luke Hamilton and senior development coach Brett Deacon took some time to share why they enjoy cycling and why it’s a great way to stay healthy and fit in a series of videos to be shared over the come weeks. 
Representatives from Tigers and Aggregate Industries will also offer top cycle routes as well as covering how cycling can help the environment, ‘cycle safety’ and road safety. 
A recent study carried out as part of previous Concrete Rugby programmes found:
  • Over half the pupils surveyed (57%) said they spend most of their time outside of school either watching TV or gaming 
  • Whilst 83% of the pupils claimed to own a bike, a third (34%) admitted that they sometimes ride it less than once a week, and only 8% ride it to school.
National guidelines state children should be getting approximately 60 mins of exercise a day and the two organisations believe that spending just 15 minutes cycling to and from school could make a real difference to a child's fitness.
François Pétry, CEO of Aggregate Industries, comments: “The fact that only 19% of school children in Leicestershire are getting their recommended amount of daily exercise is worrying. 

Cycling is a fun and easy way to keep fit and get outdoors. Using it as a mode of transport, such as cycling to school, also means you’re doing your bit to help the environment and cut down car journeys.”

Chris Rose, head of brand at Leicester Tigers, added: “The research carried out has raised some interesting facts about how active youngsters across the region are. Having the Tigers players get involved is great way to engage with school children and recognise how cycling can benefit them physically and socially in all walks of life.”

Aggregate Industries will also be launching a social media campaign, encouraging pupils to get involved by asking a friend to take pictures or videos of them with their bike (in a safe space) and tweeting @aggregateuk, using the hashtag #GetOnYourBike 

*240 school children were surveyed, across four schools in Leicestershire during March 2018

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