Join the Tigers FitFans initiative for more ideas every week on keeping fit and healthy.
FitFans is designed to get supporters of all ages active, organised in 10-week blocks and available online during lockdown.
You can follow the programme on your own, or find a training partner, or form an online ‘virtual’ group to help motivate and support each other.
If you are new to FitFans, you can find lots of ideas and the previous block of sessions are still available on the Tigers website, featuring exercise and nutritional advice. Click here for all of the links.
This week, we’re going to combine ideas from previous weeks to create your own fitness sessions.
To get started, you will need a dice and a pack of playing cards.
- Assign an exercise to each number on the dice. For example: 1 Press-ups, 2 Burpees, 3 Plank, 4 Squats, 5 Lunges, 6 Sit-ups
- Turn over the top card and then guess whether the next card will be Higher or Lower.
- If you are correct, move on
- If you are incorrect, complete the number of reps associated with the card (2-10 as card shows, Jack 11, Queen 12, King 13, Ace 14) of an exercise associated with dice roll
- Complete for the deck of cards in the quickest time possible.
Moving on
Challenge yourself. You can add one of the options below to make the workout even more taxing:
- Roll the dice at the start of the session to determine the number of Sets you do (for example, roll 4 and complete 4 decks of cards).
- Use your dice roll to determine the exercise AND sets for each exercise (the card equals the number of reps). For example, guess “Higher” on an 8 card, incorrect, the card was a 6, dice roll for exercise = 5, complete 5 sets of 6 reps of lunges, then move to next card.
- Perform an exercise for each card turn, for example:
Cards on the floor, Squat down to pick up card, rise to place on table;
Cards on table, sit up to pick card, lower to floor with you;
Cards on floor, get into press-up position, pick up card and place on table, alternate hands each turn.
And if you’re looking for some more ideas about how to create your own session and keep it interesting, here’s what we’ve covered in previous weeks of FitFans so try out these links:
You can share your sessions and the time it took you to complete them along with other ideas by tagging us on your preferred social media platform using #TigersFamily #FitFans.