There are currently only 10 places left on our rugby course at Kenilworth RFC running from April 10-13. We also have a limited number of spaces left on the Spalding RFC course running on the same week.
On both courses, our academy and community coaches will help young players to develop all of their core rugby skills and ensure that they leave the courses as more experienced and skilled players.
On both courses, our academy and community coaches will help young players to develop all of their core rugby skills and ensure that they leave the courses as more experienced and skilled players.
The morning sessions are dedicated to skill development, with the afternoon being spent in conditioned games to practice the skills that have just been learnt. At lunchtime, players receive a hot and healthy lunch to keep their energy levels up for the afternoon. All of the players are split into their age groups so there is no need to worry about an U-8 working with an U-12.
On the third day, players are tested on all of their skills in our Tigers 8-Star award. Players are then presented with certificates on the final afternoon in an awards ceremony that parents are invited to attend.
If you live in Warwickshire or Lincolnshire and would like to attend please book online at