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Sinfield: We will fight for those fighting MND

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Kevin Sinfield is readying himself to return to a dark place.

And, no, it is not because winter is around the corner and days are becoming shorter by the, well, day.

The man charged with overseeing the Leicester Tigers Defence is attacking another superhuman challenge in a bid to raise much needed funds and awareness for the fight against MND, a third in as many years.

Sinfield has already raised millions, originally in aid of long-time Leeds Rhinos team-mate and best mate Rob Burrow who is suffering from the condition.

There was the 7 in 7, a marathon challenge - literally - every single day.

Then, The Extra Mile Challenge - a 101 mile effort in just 24 hours from his now home Leicester to where he made his name, Leeds.

Now, it’s time for the biggest and final running challenge.

Starting on Sunday, November 13, Sinfield will run over 60km a day for seven days - from Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh to Old Trafford in Manchester in his Ultra 7 in 7 Challenge.

“It’s the third of the three challenges and might be my last running challenge,” admitted Sinfield.

“But, it certainly won’t be my last challenge in support of this cause. No way.

“The MND community has got behind us amazingly and feel privileged to help them in any way that I can.”

Kevin Sinfield and Rob Burrow

The what is unfathomable for most. The where is mapped out. The when is now written in pen on the calendar. 

The why, in Sinfield’s words, is: “We want people to stand up, take notice and join us in the fight.”

“The money has been amazing in making a difference for those people and their families who are fighting MND but we are not done yet.

“We need wider awareness of what MND does, how it impacts people and their families and the need for support when they are fighting it.”

As for the who, Sinfield is continuing to fight for his mate Burrow and has added Doddie Weir, Stephen Darby and Ed Slater to the cause - alongside everybody suffering from MND.

“I want Rob, Doddie, Stephen and Ed to know that there are people willing to go to dark places for them,” he said.

“Rob and all those with MND are fighting, so we want to show them we are willing to fight for them and with them.

“We have gone through a lot together, Rob and I, and forged a strong friendship in a dressing room for more than 15 years at Rhinos.

“You don’t stop being a team-mate because you aren’t playing together anymore, that bond remains for life and I will keep fighting for my mate.”

The Ultra 7 in 7 challenge will support five charities which support people affected by MND, and invest in research to bring us closer to effective treatments and a cure for the disease.

The main beneficiaries will be the MND Association and Leeds Hospitals Charity’s appeal to build the Rob Burrow Centre for MND in Leeds. However, there will also be donations to MND Scotland, My Name’5 Doddie Foundation and the Darby Rimmer MND Foundation plus support for the 4ED campaign to support former Gloucester and Leicester Rugby Union player Ed Slater, who was recently diagnosed with MND.

The whole challenge will build to an incredible finish as Sinfield enters the field at Old Trafford at half-time in the Men's Rugby League World Cup Final on Saturday, November 19 to complete his challenge having visited Melrose, Newcastle, Middlesbrough, York, Leeds and Bradford over the previous six days in his route south.

Supporters can show their support HERE ahead of the challenge.