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Well-Being | FitFans home fitness test

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FitFans is a Leicester Tigers initiative designed to get supporters of all ages active, even at home. We post new sessions to the Tigers website every week, so take a look and join us!

Staying fit and healthy can be tough with the change to lifestyle resulting from the Coronavirus lockdown which is why we are sharing FitFans tips with the Tigers community.

Normally our FitFans sessions run in 10-week blocks on Mondays at Welford Road stadium, but during lockdown we’re bringing the sessions to you onlineand this week we reach session number 10.

Week 10 – Testing & Reflection

“Fitness testing is a great tool to measure and track the success of your fitness journey. By setting your levels at the start of the block, it means you’ve got something to build on through the programme. Set yourself a goal and put a date on it to test yourself again.”

The above statement would have been the first piece of information you read from us. Now we’re at Week 10, it’s time to try again!

Complete all of the tests listed below and record your scores. Review them by digging out your results from week 1 and comparing the two.

  • Have you increased your scores?
  • If so, was it for all the exercises?
  • If you haven’t improved all scores, why do you think this is?
  • Did you find it easier to do after 10 weeks?
  • Have you progressed on to a different variation of the exercise (for example, can you now do knee press-ups from wall press-ups, or manage full normal press-ups, etc)?

Reflect on what you have achieved from doing this.

  • Are there any physical everyday tasks that you now find easier doing now?
  • Can you perform exercises/movements that you were previously unable to?

Exercise of the Week: Home Fitness Test

Spend 30 seconds on each of the exercises below and try to do as many as you can. Write it down and move on to the next one when you are ready and complete for another 30 seconds until you’ve tried all six exercises. Keep your record safe so you can come back and re-test.


Squats – keep your feet shoulder-width apart and squat as if you’re about to sit on a chair.

Press-ups – you can do these with your full body or just from your knees by putting them on the floor.

Crunches – on your back, bend your legs to 45 degrees and keep your feet flat on the floor, place your hands on your thighs, and sit forward and back trying to bring your hands up to your knees or just past them.

Mountain climbers – starting in the same position as a full-body press-up, bring your legs up to your chest alternatively and repeat as if you’re climbing a steep mountain face.

Tricep dips – sit on a chair and slide to the edge of it with your hands behind you on the edge of the chair, shuffle your feet and body out until your arms are taking your weight then bend and straighten your arms.

Russian twists – sit on the floor, legs bent in front of you with your feet crossed, and twist to each side with the aim of touching the floor and keeping yourself upright.

Feel free to change the amount of time you spend on each exercise to fit in with you and your fitness goals.

You can do the same with how many times you want to complete this circuit – once is fine, but could you do another? Or how about setting aside half an hour each morning to run through these six exercises?

You can even do this with your kids and create a family competition!

Most importantly, don’t forget to stretch properly before and after exercise.

You can do this!

If you’re preparing to move forward (or just thinking about starting) it’s time to set your new base level. This time we suggest doing something different to the exercises above as a simple challenge of distance covered over time.

For example:

Modified Cooper Run – 10 minutes continuous walking, jogging or running and record distance.

  • Find an area where you can easily perform a number of laps (a football pitch, village green, street or block)
  • Time yourself for 10 minutes and walk/jog/run continuously for this time.
  • Record the number of laps (round up or down if you did not complete a whole lap).
  • Combined with your results from the fitness test, this will set your new baseline from which to move forward.